Snapped this from the back of a taxi in Quito, I believe. (See it larger)
I'm pretty sure this, too, is from the back of a taxi on the way to a shopping center in Quito. (See it larger)
Another shot from a taxi. If you look closely you will see a man in the back of that garbage truck. (See it larger)
I love the signs of fast food places lower on the totem pole than BK, McDs, Taco Bell, etc. Even more so outside the U.S. (See it larger)
Shoeshine boys in Quito. Quick tip: if you're thinking of getting a shoeshine in Quito, make sure you have change or small bills. I only had a $5 bill on me. I didn't mind giving the crew $5, but it was a little sad to see them fighting over it as I walked away. Would have been better off with five singles. (See it larger)
This guy with the bread was pretty cool. Saw him in Plaza de la Independencia in Quito. The little bread loaves cost something like $0.30 - $0.40, an we were able to pass one to a shoeshine boy we made quick friends with as we sat around in the plaza this morning. (See it larger)
(See it larger)
On Calle Venezuela in Quito. I'm a sucker for old / small car shots, and the way these colors all lined up struck me as a nice bonus visual effect. (See it larger)
A view of El Panecillo from Basilica del Voto. (See it larger)
One of the shots I took at the house of Oswaldo Guayasamin. Some other shots we took start here on Flickr. (See it larger)
It has been a while so I can't say this with certainty, but I think this was somewhere near Mercado de Pulgas Ipiales. Just liked the way the shot was naturally composed. (See it larger)
This was also near Mercado de Pulgas Ipiales. Was trying to get a shot with the Ecuadorian flag snapping straight out in the wind against the backdrop. Never quite got it timed right, so we took this and moved on. (See it larger)
Plaza de la Independencia / Plaza Grande, Quito. (See it larger)
Plaza de la Independencia / Plaza Grande, Quito. Specifically, Palacio de Gobierno. There was something going on this afternoon, with a lot of men in uniform, both the traditional army / police type and these more formal / ceremonial cats. (See it larger)
Plaza de la Independencia / Plaza Grande, Quito. Hombres Viejos. (See it larger)
Plaza de la Independencia / Plaza Grande, Quito. (See it larger)
Plaza de la Independencia / Plaza Grande, Quito. (See it larger)
I'm rifling through my guide books to try and find out what this pseudo ice cream / custard was called because I could swear it had a distinct name. But I'm coming up empty. Regardless, I liked this scene with the man in his uniform and the father / son combo stepping up to get some dessert on the street. (See it larger)
Street musicians and one of their fans, Quito. (See it larger)
Plaza Santo Domingo, Quito. These solid blue buses kept passing by the solid mustard building and there was something about the contrast that captivated me. Tried multiple times to get a shot I liked. This was the best one, but I still don't love it. (See it larger)
This was near Otavalo, taken from a car we hired to take us over to an area where some of the local weavers have shops. Was a little surprised to see a basketball court appear somewhat out of nowhere amidst the general surroundings. Seeing the girls playing hoops in traditional Otavaleno dress added another element to it all. (See it larger)
The ice cream / custard you are referring to is call espumilla, is a traditional desert that consist of white eggs with sugar and added some honey or mermelade and fruit
The ice cream / custard you are referring to is call espumilla, is a traditional desert that consist of white eggs with sugar and added some honey or mermelade and fruit
Thank you for the update, Tatiana. Next time I'll have to actually try it.
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